@ Lessons
Please arrive 5 minutes early to ensure your child’s lesson starts on time.
Make sure to read your confirmation email for information on parking. This will vary depending on the location your child is signed up for lessons at.
Please limit the number of adults who accompany the child to lessons. Space is limited inside the pool area.
Go to the open yoga mat, and set up your double layer of towels.
Remove any unnecessary layers of clothing from your child so he/she is ready for lessons after the *BUDS interview. See chapter 4 of the parent resource guide.
Stay seated at your towel and keep other children seated as well.
Support your child during lessons. You know your child best. If they like a celebration, cheer them on. If they do better with a “great job” after lessons then feel free to save your praise.
Please do not “coach” your child from the poolside. Yelling “float, float, float” is not helpful to the process :) There are things I’m looking for in the water that is not obvious from the pool deck.
Once lessons begin say goodbye to all flotation devices. They cause interference to the ISR process. We will go over best practices poolside during lessons.
*see parent resource guide for more info.
Photography and Videos
You may take photographs every day.
Videos are only permitted when you’re invited to take a video, on Fridays, or during clothing lessons.
When posting videos please respect the privacy of others at the pool and remember to tag Valley ISR!
After Lessons
You will be asked to bring three clean towels with you to every lesson. Place two towels on the pool deck, and save the third towel to dry your child, wrap them up and keep them warm after the lesson. Keeping two towels on the pool deck creates a clean, dry surface for your child to lie on that will limit exposure to the damp pool deck, which could potentially harbor germs.
When the lesson is complete, I will lay your child on the towels, on their left side. Encourage your child to remain lying on their left side for at least a couple of minutes. You may also want to gently massage their back to help them expel any air they may have swallowed during the lesson.
Be sure to wrap your child in the third towel so that they stay warm.
If your child wants to eat or drink immediately after the lesson, allow them small sips of water or a drink that is easy to digest. It’s important that your child not “gulp down” a large quantity of fluids immediately after the lesson, because if they have any air in their stomach from the lesson, quickly drinking a large quantity of fluids could cause a stomachache and/or gas pain.